Religious Education

Religious Education - Education In Faith

St. Margaret’s Christian values are based on the Gospels and permeate the life of the school. We celebrate Catholic rituals and traditions.

The beliefs and practices of our Catholic faith are embedded in every aspect of our lives.

We provide opportunities for our students to recognise God’s presence in their lives, in those around them and globally. We encourage our students to develop a personal relationship with God. We recognise that faith development is a life long journey and acknowledge parents as the first educators of their child.

Our school Faith/Religious Education program is based on the Melbourne Archdiocese texts, Coming to Know, Worship and Love (2009). It is supported by the Religious Education Curriculum Frameworks units developed by Catholic Education Melbourne.

We have a school based Sacramental Program. Students are prepared for the various sacraments as part of their Religious Education classes.

The sacraments are celebrated for the first time in the following Year levels:

Year 3 - Reconciliation

Year 4 - Eucharist

Year 6 - Confirmation

All students (Prep to 6) participate in the weekly Friday mass with the parish, whereby each week a class is assigned to prepare all parts of the liturgy from the Prayers of the Faithful to the music / songs. These celebrations brings together every part of our community with our Parish Priest, parents, parishioners, students and teachers coming to praise our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Margaret’s has a strong commitment to our local and global community, reaching out to others in need. In 2007 a social justice group was formed called H.O.P.E (Helping Our People Everywhere) whereby members of the Seniors grades raise awareness, plan, organise and fundraise monies for organisation such as St. Vincent de Paul Society, Caritas Australia.